FUJIFILM Business Innovation
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Boosting Corporate Strengths with Diverse Work Styles

Employee Engagement

Employee wellness is always our priority as we want to ensure that our people can pursue their career and personal goals. Apart from maintaining a safe and healthy workplace according to the Occupational Health and Safety Policy, we helped our employees achieve work-life balance through a series of wellness programs in the past year. As COVID-19 pandemic ran riot across the world, we safeguard the well-being of our people through different platforms, such as offering health benefits and introducing wellness reimbursement programs.

In order to raise their health awareness, we invited medical practitioners to host online wellness talks to share practical health tips, such as Allergic Rhinitis Health Talk and Healthy Recipe. They could also enjoy the virtual consultation service without leaving home and receive their medications promptly, minimizing the risk of being infected during the peak of COVID-19 outbreak.

Meanwhile, with the support from the Department of Health and the Occupational Safety and Health Council, we invited professionals to conduct art healing workshops. The Japanese Pastel Nagomi Art Workshop and Zentangle Workshop under our “Happy Friday” series demonstrated how different forms of art could help the participants restore inner peace through mindfulness practice, breathing exercise and enjoying calming music.


Snapshots of the Japanese Pastel Nagomi Art Workshop


Works created by the participants of the Zentangle Workshop

It has been over a decade since we rolled out the “Employee Well-being Month” in October to support our employees achieve work-life balance. By offering sponsorship for sports and cultural activities, our colleagues are encouraged to “leave on time” and “move your body” to enjoy quality time with families and friends.

Japan is a popular tourist destination for Hong Kong people. However, the travel restriction and lockdown measures imposed over the last two years have made it impossible for local citizens to enjoy their favorite food and great scenery in Japan. Therefore, we organized the Japan Food Fair in December 2021 and invited different suppliers to set up sales booths in the office to sell a wide range of Japan food items, drinks, fresh vegetables and seasonal fruits. We were pleased to see a joyful atmosphere and lots of happy faces in the office as our employees shared their shopping experience with each other. In January 2022, we also set up a virtual CNY Bazaar for our colleagues to purchase festive gifts and seasonal candies prior to the Chinese New Year.

Festive food at the Japan Food Fair

In order to remind our colleagues to stay vigilant, safe and healthy, we offered them a customized mask case, FUJIFILM Hydro Ag+ hand sanitizer and wipes.

As “living a well life” has become integral to people’s daily lives, we will continue to cultivate a healthy work environment and encourage our employees to “Eat Smart, Play Smart and Work Smart”.


Our branded mask case

Learning & Development

Digital Maturity for Digital Transformation

The pandemic has ushered us into the new normal with the emerging trend of digital transformation (DX) for the business world. Striving to become a “Business Innovation Partner”, instead of limiting our ICT training to the technical aspects, we strive to nurture digital talents to promote business DX and operations DX. In FY2021, we launched the “Digital Maturity” project that covered both the personal and organization levels to enhance our people’s ICT competencies and foster operation process optimization with ICT tools. On the personal level, the project started with an extensive focus group which had over 40 meetings with different departments to understand their requirements in four knowledge domains: 1) Office Productivity, 2) Core Business Technologies, 3) Emerging Technologies and 4) ICT Best Practices. It was followed by a digital maturity survey to measure the baseline of the current ICT competencies in these four domains. The survey results were analyzed as an important input for learning needs. On the organization level, we focused on creating business impact through empowering our employees with essential skills in using simple ICT tools to drive internal digital transformation, such as process automation, and enhancement in data analysis and visualization.

In FY2021, we supported 10 DX projects involving all departments and achieved a reduction of 41 man days per month. The champion of the Digital Transformation Contest was “automation for lodgment daily operation” which did not only achieve 100% automation on its “bill upload” process, but also removed manual error by its enhanced data file.


The Champion of Digital Transformation Contest

From Trainee to Professional

In FY2021, we recruited four young talents to join our “Solutions Developer Trainee Program”. During the one-year training period, they underwent job rotations in key business units. Apart from programming works for assigned projects, they took up different customer-facing roles, such as spending a whole quarter at a customer’s site to capture the customer requirements.

Cake Making Workshop

Cake Making Workshop for Solutions Developer Trainee

We also care about their personal development. During the program period, they had the opportunities to participate in various ICT hot topics sharing sessions. These experiences did not only enable them to do their research and application alignment, but also strengthened their confidence through presentations. In terms of professionalism, they acquired eight ICT qualifications ranging from IT Service Design, Quality Management to Project Management Methodology. More importantly, we incorporate challenges in every activity to reveal the competencies needed by a solution developer and the importance of a good teamwork. Like in the concluding activity, the cake making workshop involved sudden change of deliverable requirements, needing to wear eye mask and follow instructions from other members for the cake making, etc.

We will continuously provide all-round support for their career and competency development in order to groom them to become the next industry professionals.

Community Engagement

FUJIFILM Business Innovation Hong Kong has been committed to community engagement since 2002. Over the years, we have been actively promoting the development of local and global communities through various social contribution and environmental conservation initiatives. While the COVID-19 outbreaks caused significant disruptions to common physical activities as we had to observe the social distancing measures, we shifted our focus to indoor activities and leveraged different technologies to continue with our projects.

In September 2021, 39 staff members joined the Beeswax Food Wrap Green Workshop to learn the eco-friendly way to make a plastic-free food wrap that could be reused and hence to reduce plastic waste.


Beeswax Food Wrap Green Workshop

In order to help students from low income families to strive for academic excellence, we partnered with People Service Centre to roll out the Volunteer Homework Tutor Program from October to December 2021 to offer students living in Sham Shui Po online homework support, relieving the financial burden of their families. We also participated in the Toy and Book Donation Campaign on 4-13 October, 2021 and collected 68 boxes of toys and 264 books from our employees to be donated to the NGO. Besides, staff volunteers supported the YMCA Toys Reborn Campaign initiated by YMCA of Hong Kong in December 2021 to sort and repair toys donated by the public. During the festive seasons, such as the Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival, we encouraged our employees to donate rice dumplings and mooncakes to the Food Bank to share the festive joy with those in need.


Toy and Book Donation Campaign


YMCA Toys Reborn Campaign

Supporting children with congenital heart disease and raising the awareness of heart health in the community, our staff members were encouraged to participate in the Heart-to-Heart Charity Sports Day of the Children's Heart Foundation (CHF) on 16 October 2021. Moreover, we supported CHF Lucky Money Wishes cum Red Packet Envelopes Recycle Program that made donation to the children and collected 6 kg of used red packet envelopes in February 2022 for reuse.


Heart-to-Heart Charity Sports Day

In July 2021 and from 20 November to 12 December 2021, we participated in the Make-A-Wish Flag Day and Make-A-Wish Charity Sales respectively to raise funds. Staff volunteers oversaw the charity sales booth and raised money to support children with critical illnesses, enriching their lives with hope, strength and joy.


Make-A-Wish Flag Day


Make-A-Wish Charity Sales

In FY2021, 237 staff volunteers contributed 626 hours to support volunteering activities and CSR events. The pandemic in Hong Kong may bring challenges for physical community activities, but we will continue to seize every opportunity to contribute to the sustainable development of the community and build a better world.