FUJIFILM Business Innovation
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Contributing to a Green Community through Engagement and Innovation

FUJIFILM Business Innovation Hong Kong is committed to promoting the development of the society and local communities by creating new values for our stakeholders through our innovative products, solutions and services and minimizing the impact of our business activities on the environment through various sustainability initiatives.

Promoting Sustainable Development through Environmental Campaigns

As a devoted supporter of sustainable development in Hong Kong, we signed the “Hong Kong Green Day 2021 - Green Pledge” organized by the Green Council. We strive to create a greener office by adopting green practices as we pursue the Fujifilm Group’s SVP2030. We also encourage colleagues to adopt a green lifestyle by saving energy, conserving water and practising the 3R principle (reduce, reuse and recycle).

Hong Kong Green Day

The certificate reflected our commitment to creating a green office environment and
spreading green messages to the community.

While observing our own earth hour every day during lunchtime, we continued to support the Earth Hour event organized by World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) in March 2022 and committed to achieving sustainable development through the launch of innovative technologies, products and services. Furthermore, we adhere to sustainable procurement along a green supply chain that helps minimize our environmental impact.

Earth Hour 2022

We pledged to support Earth Hour 2022 and committed to contributing to
a sustainable future for the next generations.

Advocating Occupational Health & Safety through Collaboration with Future Generations

In FY2022, FUJIFILM Business Innovation Hong Kong continued to support academia and students. For the third year, we served as the corporate advisor of final-year projects of the Environmental Management and Technology program of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). This collaboration helped students strengthen their academic knowledge and gain valuable hands-on experience in corporate sustainability. Our representative met the capstone project group regularly to keep track of their progress and offer guidance. At the final stage, the students shared their findings from the Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) assessment, benchmarking results and recommendations, inspiring our management team to pursue continued improvement to enhance our employees’ well-being.

HKUST capstone project team

HKUST capstone project team members, professors and our representatives

The Way to SVP2030

Adhering to Fujifilm Group’s SVP2030, FUJIFILM Business Innovation Hong Kong has been actively seeking ways to improve our environmental performance through benchmarking against sustainability pioneers and international standards.

In addition to the management systems mentioned in the “Corporate Governance” section, we enhance energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions in our business operations through various initiatives. Energy review is conducted annually with the aid of energy tracking solution to evaluate energy data and identify areas for energy efficiency enhancement. With our print management solution, we have successfully cut down the paper usage and carbon emissions.

Server Upgrade server systems
Tracking System Use real time energy tracking system
Adopt Energy Adopt energy efficient lighting devices and electrical appliances in offices
Zone Lighting Zone lighting devices
Earth Hour Implement “earth hour” during lunch break every day
Computer-Off Conduct “computer-off” checks

We became a carbon neutral business in FY2014 by investing in carbon offset projects that promoted renewable energy. Under the Visible Green Initiatives, we will purchase no less than 80 kg of carbon offsets for every compliment received. In FY2021, we were delighted to receive 1,606 compliments from customers and thus purchased 636 tons of carbon credit to offset our footprint. These compliments not only motivated us to achieve service excellence, but also helped protect the environment.

Visible Green Initiatives

Our Visible Green Initiatives in FY2021

Green Value Product

To build a sustainable society, FUJIFILM Holdings Corporation launched the “Green Value Products” certification program in compliance with ISO 14021 Environmental Labels and Declarations in July 2018 to certify its products and services that meet specific criteria for environmental consciousness. The environmental value of each product is evaluated through an environmentally conscious design assessment. Based on their total scores, the selected products are further reviewed and approved by the Group Certification Council and finally certified as Fujifilm Group’s “Green Value Products”, which are then categorized into three certification ranks (diamond, gold and silver) according to their contribution to the reduction of environmental impact. Under this program, FUJIFILM Business Innovation’s products, such as the latest Apeos C5240 and ApeosPrint C5240, were certified as environmentally conscious products.

We will continue to tackle the environmental challenges along our value chain and to fully leverage our strong business model to create value for our customers and other stakeholders. We endeavor to reduce the CO2 emissions across the entire lifecycle of products and the society by encouraging the wider use of our low emissions products, solutions and services.


Impact on Business Processes along the Value Chain

Managing Green Supply Chains

We attach high importance to sustainability in our procurement process and supplier engagement. We actively engage suppliers who share the same sustainable procurement philosophy with us and encourage them to actively minimize their environmental impact. Stringent measures are also in place to manage the environmental performance throughout the product lifecycle, including the initial procurement, manufacturing, customer usage and end-of-life disposal. Risk levels of suppliers are assessed by the procurement team and are reviewed periodically.

Contributing to “Zero” Environmental Impact

Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) is one of the major environmental challenges worldwide. Committed to achieving “Zero Landfill”, FUJIFILM Business Innovation Hong Kong introduced the end-of-life resource recovery program well before the implementation of the Producer Responsibility Scheme on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment by the HKSAR Government in August 2018. In addition to proactively collecting used multifunction printers and consumables according to stringent recycling regulations worldwide, we initiated a partnership with a local recycler in December 2018 to recycle used materials instead of sending them to the eco-manufacturing facilities in Thailand and to reduce carbon emissions from the cross-border transfer of WEEE.