FUJIFILM Business Innovation
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Reporting Scope and Approach


The Fujifilm Group’s approach to sustainability aims to promote the sustainable development of the society through sincere and fair business practices that reflect our Corporate Philosophy and Vision. At FUJIFILM Business Innovation Hong Kong, recognizing our role and responsibilities at the forefront of sustainability, we have incorporated in our management strategy with the fundamental sustainability values and actively address sustainability issues that are important to our stakeholders, including customers, employees, suppliers and transaction partners, future generations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and local communities. We also ensure the accuracy and quality of our qualitative and quantitative sustainability data by using our Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) management tool.

This report was prepared in response to the requirements for the disclosure of our business development plans and latest goals and initiatives. This is our 13th annual sustainability report that follows the Japanese financial year closing on 31 March. As such, some projects and plans mentioned may still be in progress, have been completed or be scheduled to roll out in the next fiscal year.

Reporting Scope and Period

This report provides information on the significant ESG impacts related to our operations between 1 April 2021 and 31 March 2022 (i.e. FY2021) in the following locations:

  • Hong Kong and Macau offices
  • Logistics and Warehouse

Due to the different data collection systems implemented in individual offices, some performance data related to the Macau office was not included.

Reporting Principles

This Sustainability Report complies with:

  • The internationally recognized Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards issued in 2016 and partially updated in 2018
  • ISO 26000:2010 Guidance on Social Responsibility
  • United Nations (UN) SDGs
  • ESG Reporting Guide issued by the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (SEHK)
  • TCFD

External Assurance

This report was prepared in accordance with the GRI standards: Core Option with respect to the extent of coverage and the information provided. FUJIFILM Business Innovation Hong Kong appointed Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency (HKQAA) to conduct an independent verification of this report according to the GRI standards, ISO 26000:2010 Guidance on Social Responsibility and SEHK ESG Reporting Guide. For details of the verification statement, please refer to the “Verification” section.

Sustainability Management

FUJIFILM Holdings Corporation developed the long-term SVP2030 with the same target year as the Paris Agreement and the UN SDGs.

As a company operating overseas, FUJIFILM Business Innovation Hong Kong makes appropriate non-financial information disclosures as requested by our stakeholders, creates value for them and shares our business performance. Although we are not a listed company in Hong Kong and are not obligated to disclose our ESG data, we believe that sustainability disclosure is a valuable means of stakeholder engagement. We will continue to integrate sustainability into our business and comply with international and local requirements under the GRI standards through active disclosure. Please visit our company website for more publications and historical data on our sustainability performance.

Material Aspects and Stakeholder Engagement

In response to Fujifilm’s SDGs-aligned SVP2030, FUJIFILM Business Innovation Hong Kong undertakes a new materiality assessment when if possible to identify pertinent issues and evaluate their relevance to our business and stakeholders in accordance with the GRI standards and Accountability’s AA1000 standards.

Since publishing the first local Sustainability Report in 2010, we have been defining the material aspects according to the feedback collected from our annual Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) survey and international and Japanese standards and guidelines, including but not limited to the 10 Principles of the UN Global Compact, GRI and UN SDGs.

We have also invited our stakeholders to provide feedback on our performance in the ESG areas and share their views and sustainability challenges they experienced. We are pleased to learn that our leadership in ESG disclosures has been highly recognized by both our external and internal stakeholders. About 92% of our external stakeholders and 62% of the responding employees thought that our performance and the transparency of our ESG disclosures were “Good” or “Excellent”.

The feedback was then turned into a materiality matrix to reflect the importance of material issues raised by various stakeholders.

Materiality Matrix

Issues in the “High-High” area of the Materiality Matrix Diagram are identified as material matters and will be discussed in the following sections.

Materiality Matrix

Our Response to Stakeholders’ Needs

Stakeholders Concerns Engagement Platforms
  • Product and Service Quality
  • User-friendly Design
  • Cost Effectiveness of Services
  • Responsiveness of Services
  • Information Security
  • Customer Satisfaction Survey
  • ISO/IEC 27001 Information Security Management System Audits
  • Website
  • Press Release
  • Social Media Platforms
  • Safe and Fair Working Environment
  • Benefits and Welfare
  • Career Development
  • Employee Satisfaction
  • Employee Relation Activities
  • Newsletters
  • Communication Meetings
  • Managing Director’s Monthly Message through Intranet Portal*
  • Occupational Health and Safety Assessment
Suppliers and Transaction Partners
  • Economic Stability
  • CSR Performance Management
  • Business Ethics
  • Fair Trade
  • Code of Conduct
  • Ad Hoc Meetings
  • Letters
Future Generations, NGOs and Local Communities
  • Low Carbon Office
  • Eco Product Lifecycle
  • Sustainable Procurement
  • Mentoring
  • Various Audits (ISO 14001 Environmental Management System, ISO 50001 Energy Management System, FSCTM Chain of Custody, etc.)
  • Volunteering
  • CSR and Fundraising Events
  • Academic Projects
  • Placement

Remarks: * Physical communication meetings and gatherings were cancelled to avoid crowd gathering during COVID-19 pandemic.

Management Approach

Adhering to Fujifilm Group’s management philosophy, we attach high importance to creating value for the defined stakeholder groups through our sustainability management practices and processes.

Engagement with Customers

Under the new normal, we believe that innovation is the key to business growth, meeting the needs of customers and coping with the ever-changing environment. In light of the remote working mode during the pandemic, we have been supporting our customers to develop online infrastructure to ensure business and service continuity. Through effective communication with customers, we have also strengthened our long-term customer relationships built on trust and mutual growth.

Engagement with Employees

Employees are key stakeholders in driving our business growth. We endeavor to provide them with an innovative environment where they can pursue personal growth and overcome different challenges. A wide array of engagement initiatives have been implemented to enhance job satisfaction, strengthen bonding, promote workplace diversity and provide learning and development opportunities.

Engagement with Suppliers and Transaction Partners

FUJIFILM Business Innovation Hong Kong attaches high importance to the partnerships with our suppliers and transaction partners along the supply chain with a strong focus on sustainability. To ensure that they share the same vision with us, we actively and frequently communicate our sustainability philosophy and management approach and strive to pursue continuous improvement together. Working closely with our suppliers and transaction partners, we have developed an all-round sustainable procurement strategy for our value chain.

Engagement with Future Generations, NGOs and Local Communities

We promote the sustainable development of our community by assessing and managing the social impact of our operations and by supporting local community initiatives that create lasting benefits for the public. Through frequent dialogues with NGOs and charitable groups, we work together to address social and environmental issues and join hands with academic institutions to offer students exciting opportunities to adopt ICT in their daily lives.